A blog for people to know and understand current U.S and world political and social current events.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Operation Odyssey Dawn

The media is lying to you! What? yaeh nothing new,right? We all know there has been a numerous amount of talk about Qadaffi and the Lybians, and how we,the American military, as well as, the French and British, are bombing Qadaffis forces and boundaries. Why? because rebels are going againt his rule. Now let me clarify, this rebel group is revoliting against Qadaffi.Okay,great. Well have you ever wondered or asked yourself who this rebel group is ? Let me answer for you. This rebel group consists of muslims mostly associated with Al Quaeda. Now, wait, Al Quaeda? Don't we dislike Al Quaeda and terrorists? Then why are we providing artillery fire in their quest to overtake Qadaffi? Well, lets start from the beginning. The reason why all those muslims are revolting against Qaddafi is, because Qadaffi allows Catholics to practice their faith openly in Libya, yes that right, Qadaffi. Suprising,huh? We all think Qadaffi is a demon from what we have heard from CNN, HLN, MSNBC and Fox News ( I like Fox News,but they aren't allowed to always say the truth), but truly, yes he is bad but he can't be that bad allowing catholics to openly practice their religion. Now can anyone guess why the muslims rebels are revolting against Qadaffi? If you have already figured it out then yes its all making sense. The muslims want to be the supreme religion and want to rule and get rid of the catholics, but Qadaffi won't let them. Remember the word Muslim Brotherhood. So why are we helping the muslims when they supposedly destroyed the Twin Towers and killed thousands of people? It has been researched and proven that our president, Barack Obama, is a muslim so he wants to fully support them in their quest.
       There is truly no reason why we should be getting involved with Libya. Why should we care what happens over there? People say 'Well there are Exxon holdings over there.' So what! We have our own oil drills here, all you have to do is turn them on and we'll have enough oil till the end of time. Oh yaeh and I forgot as soon as Barack Obama ordered the operation, he left to Rio de Janeiro for a 5 day vacation. Its like what the heck man  you just got ourselves into another conflict and you leave us and have the congressmen and army commanders, who have no idea why they are doing it, deal with it? This whole operation against Libya is absurd and its just going to cause more hate against us. Like Qaddafi said when we first started bombing them "Prepare for a long war" "The Meditteranean Sea will turn into a battlefield."
      Obama keeps getting us into deep trouble which we really don't want.Remember One World Government, research it. America we need to stand up for our rights, man ourselves with guns and protect ourselves. We will get taken over by the communists which is the Russians,Chinese,etc. Our military is scattered across the globe, and there is no one to protect us except ourselves.- Phill

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